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San Francisco Pride KPFA

Información es Poder (Information is Power) KPFA


“Familia es Familia”: How an Oakland Nonprofit is Cultivating LGBTQ Acceptance in Latinx Communities Family Equality Council

Meet Somos Familia, the nonprofit supporting Latinx parents with queer and trans children OaklandNorth

LGBTQI+: Diversidad, Igualdad, Felicidad Cuerpo Corazón Comunidad

Comerica Corner: Somos Familia Latino Leaders Magazine

Temporary Protective Status Symposium Focuses Pathways Permanent Residency LGBTQ Individuals Daily Californian

Grantee Spotlight: Somos Familia & East Bay Community Law Center Akonadi Foundation Newsletter


Aceptación Familiar de las Personas LGBTQ Cuerpo Corazón Comunidad (KWRM)

Latinx – Is this word the future? El Observador


Aceptación y Apreciación de las Diferencias Cuerpo Corazón Comunidad (KWRM)

Al Despertar 6.20.16 Univision

El Bienestar Emocional de las Personas LGBTQ Cuerpo Corazón Comunidad (KWRM)Your user agent does not support the HTML5 Audio element. 


Culture of Giving Visión Hispana

As the Latino population grows, so does their ability and desire to contribute money and time to community organizations. Magdy Hurtado represents this growing desire to contribute. She is co-Chair of Somos Familia, a non-profit group in Oakland that creates support and acceptance for Latina (o) lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth and their families in the Bay Area. In 2014, Somos Familia was awarded a grant for $5,000 from the Latino Giving Circles and Hurtado is now a member of the Latina Giving Circle in the East Bay.

Día de La Familia La Nota Rosa

Ronnie Woo & Maritza MartinezThis Show is So Gay 

How #LoveWins For All Huffington Post

We work with families to increase family and community acceptance and reduce LGBTQ youth suicide, homelessness, substance abuse and unsafe sex. The goal is not for every family to join their local Pride parade, but even moderate levels of family acceptance are proven to reduce health risks for LGBTQ people. We work with both families that know that they have LGBTQ family members and those who don’t because it takes our whole community to keep LGBTQ people safe.

Diversidad en la Sexualidad Cuerpo Corazón Comunidad (KWRM) 

Moms speak out in support of their LGBT children GLAAD

Many parents have had to find ways to respond to the transphobic and homophobic world around them that threatened the health of their children and their families. Laurin’s recent piece, posted on her Out Proud Families blog, quotes Andrea, a mother of transgender child, “It is hard to have expectations of family members and friends who aren’t ready to accept what we are going through. If we give time after bringing information or love to the people around, it helps us and them to transform.”

Parents say: Our LGBTQ Children have Changed our Lives – For the Better! Out Proud Families

Mirna Medina: “Having a bisexual son has been a liberating process for me. He helped me understand that bisexual people are not confused—being bisexual is about the capacity to love, regardless of a person’s sex. I used to have some judgments about transgender people. I learned about the marginalization they experience and realized how much courage it takes to be who they are. This allowed me to develop empathy and compassion.”

My Son Changed My Life, In More Ways Than One The Advocate

I’m proud of him for being true to himself and for teaching me a thing or two about what really matters to me. My identity as a mom has also been restored. I know I raised my son well because there was never a moment when he didn’t know he was loved. It took me a while, but I learned a simple lesson: Unconditional love means looking past all the expectations that are heaped on us and loving the child you have.


Qué Hacer Cuando Un Hijo Se Declara Gay AARP

Mayeno, además de consultar con un terapeuta, conformó junto con Mirna Medina, una mamá que tenía un hijo bisexual de 17 años, un grupo de apoyo a familias en situaciones similares. La iniciativa fue tan bien recibida por la comunidad, que tiempo después se estableció Somos Familia. “Gracias a esto, además de comprender a nuestros hijos, como mamás y papás estamos muy orgullosos de ellos”, afirma Mayeno.


Community Groups Filling Void in LGBTQ Services in Richmond, San Pablo Richmond Pulse

Inside the room, which resembles more of a storage unit, around 15 people—more than half identifying as mothers and grandmothers—watch short clips of Somos Familia’s documentary, Tres Gotas de Agua, or Three Drops of Water. Mirna Medina, a founding member and facilitator for the discussion, is featured in the video. Medina shares her experience of accepting and understanding her son’s bisexual orientation within a culture that is intolerant towards homosexuality.


The Powerful Force of a Parental Love Our Family Coalition

Early on, we realized that parents’ love for their children is a powerful force for touching hearts and opening minds. Speaking parent-to-parent in different settings, we tell our stories to highlight the importance of unconditional love and acceptance of all children. We also speak about our pride in our children and how precious they are to us. One unforgettable moment was when two of our moms spoke before a Spanish-speaking Catholic congregation of about 500 people during the church service.

La Diversidad y Nuestros Niños: Aprendamos Sobre Identidad y Orientación Sexual Nuestros Niños 


Entendamos y Eliminemos el Hostigamiento Entre Nuestros Niños y Adolescentes Nuestros Niños